Dreaming to Build
Many people embark on the journey of building their dream home every year. In my years of experience with new construction, I would estimate a paltry 2% of prospective dream builders execute this goal. The remaining 98% decide at some point during the process to forego this dream, but this does not have to be the case. What does it take to go from ideas on a napkin to sunsets on the veranda? Really it’s a combination of simple ideas that take serious focus and drive.
Payment – A combination of cash and credit adequate to fund a project you want to call home in the end. Assuming you have no contingencies, good credit, a down payment, and a good debt/income ratio, you may be able to take the next step. Many people pump the brakes when they find their budget doesn’t include sheet rock. Discussing your budget and options with a lending institution is essential.
–Perhaps you have taken the time to save and purchase a property that you know you want to build on in the future. If this is the case, you likely possess the qualities you will need to get you through the next leg of your journey, and you are light years ahead. Don’t own your build site yet? See the next step.
Planning – From budgeting to permitting, it’s imperative that you understand the process, and plan for contingencies. Create a road map from point A to point Z. In that roadmap there may be land acquisition, fees, home design, fees, possibly septic design, fees, permitting, fees, perhaps a well to be drilled, fees, see a pattern here? It is imperative you have an experienced builder to partner with that can help you understand all the costs involved with building a home from start to finish. Be detailed. Envision and identify every component of your home in the budgeting phase. This will save you from unnecessary heart palpitations and an empty bank account.
Persistence – Once you have a map to your destination, you must be decisive, and ready to roll up your sleeves. John C. Maxwell said it best: “Dreams don’t work unless you do”. Those who lack the required drive generally withdraw in the planning phase, and occasionally rinse and repeat. You must be prepared to step off a ledge and trust what you have done to get you this far.
Patience – Building a home takes time. It is never a flawless process, and there will be challenges. If you don’t possess this quality, this will likely be the last time you build a home. In fact, it may cure you of the ability to move ever again. You will need patience for your loved ones, the professionals you’ve entrusted, and they will likely need to extend a little grace as well. This process has the ability to bring out the best and worst in you, but in the end, your character will have some seriously chiseled features.
Partnership – If you possess the qualities to create your own masterpiece, how do you put all the pieces together? People. Not just any people. The right ones. You will likely need a lender, architect, builder, designers, engineers, environmental specialists, and more. If you possess the drive to build your dream home but aren’t sure where to start, ask an experienced real estate broker to walk you through it. A good broker will be a consultant you can trust. Even if there is no sale to close, the right broker will start by asking one question: What can I do to help you?