A Greene Story | 1 | Intern(al) Perspective
My name is Arthur Dalessandro and I’m the new Marketing Intern at Greene Realty Group. When I say “new,” I really do mean new, 15 days new to be exact. That might not seem like much time but let me tell you… at Greene, you learn what seems like a months’ worth of information within a couple days, so 15 days makes me a veteran. That’s not to say I don’t have much MUCH more to learn, but it does show just how much goes into making Greene Realty Group one of the most successful community real estate firms in Thurston County.
To be blunt, I wasn’t expecting much out of a “summer internship,” but it was clear within the first day that this wasn’t your average “summer internship.” On my drive home after work that first Monday night, I had the same phrase running through my head...
“Wow… This is a job. A real job.”
Working here is a job. A real job. It’s exciting! For the first time in my life I get to work on projects and tasks that actually have real significance, not to say school isn’t significant (maybe), but something with real consequence. It’s amazing.
So what is Greene Realty Group really like? What kind of work happens within these walls? What are the people like? I’m sure these are questions that you’re just DYING to know, so let me begin…
As a member of the marketing team, there’s a lot going on. Photos of listings need to be taken almost every day, listings need be posted as soon as they get confirmed, video has to be edited daily, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, our website, it all needs to be managed and active daily. There’s agent brand building, and advertising regularly, especially because Greene keeps gaining new agents. It’s almost like a hurricane of information, deadlines, and projects that you have to go through each week. Work here is NEVER boring.
There’s so much going on behind the scenes that it can seem somewhat overwhelming at times, but it’s that same feeling that makes the job so satisfying. When the work is accomplished, good things happen around the community, and that’s the best kind of success there is.
The work, the success, the cool sweatshirt I got, all of that is great, but the best part of Greene is the people. The people here aren’t like what you’d imagine people who work at real estate firms are like. They care. It’s not just about the money to the agents, not at all. It’s clear to see that the most important part of their job here is caring for the community. Putting the community first and engaging with the people here, breeds success. Greene isn’t successful because they sell a lot of houses. They’re successful because they care about the community and relationships. I count myself blessed that I have the opportunity to interact with such great people every day; their positive, community focused personalities rub off on me day by day. Like I said, it’s amazing.